This is my blog on painting and modeling miniatures, yes its a little sparse, the banner is too large and the colours are not quite right, Ill get to that, eventually... :)
I started painting when I was about 12 or 13 maybe younger, I'm 34 now. It was back when Games workshop used to be a more a independent company rather than the beast it is now, when all the figures in a squad or regiment were different, when the prices were reasonable! The first game I owned was Laserburn which was written by Brian Ansell, it was the precursor to Warhammer 40k, this was quickly followed by blood bowl, Warhammer Fantasy battle, Traveller, Rune Quest, Call Of Cthulhu, and Warhammer 40k, I mainly painted the 25mm Citadel miniatures which are now long out of production, I also had a small collection of 15mm Traveller and Laserburn figures which I fondly remember.
A few years ago I sold of all my paints as well as most of my old games and most of my miniatures but recently I have been thinking about starting again, I finally succumbed and ordered a set of 38 Vallejo paints, some Rackham Confrontation miniatures, and got a set of 15mm Laserburn figures.
Ill post some pictures of all my brand new paint and miniatures. Then Ill have to get to work on painting them!